Sunday, August 28, 2011

He's Here. Well, He's Been Here...

I am now the proud owner of a beautiful baby boy. And I'm having zero buyer's remorse what-so-ever! I mean, how could I with a face like his!

My first month (and so on I'm sure) I've been busy feeding and changing diapers. Thus my lack of any kind of update. Buuut, since the little guy is sound asleep and Gracie is preoccupied with Toy Story 3, I thought I would finally write down a quick (oops, that wasn't quick!) version of his birth story and even share a video below!

Like I had said before, my doctor & I had decided to induce labor rather than play the guessing game. I was really paranoid about getting any labor inducing medication, but since I was already dilating and effacing pretty well for a while I thought I'd go in asking to be given the smallest dose of pitocin, and then see what happens. The hospital was suppose to call me by 11pm on Monday night. Never got the call. So I called them. Apparently some other babies thought it'd be totally ok to just cut in line and jump in without any reservations. So the nurses told me to go to bed, and they'd call back when they had an open delivery room. Four thirty AM rolls around and I get the call. I check in to the hospital and before they hook my IV or anything in, the nurse has to play a game of 20 questions with me. I thought I pre-registered downstairs two weeks ago so when I came in we could jump right into the good stuff. Around 6am they strap on the contraction and heart rate monitors. I haven't been given any medication yet, and I'm already reading contractions on the screen. Sweet, because they're not even hurting! Around 7am they start the smallest possible dose of pitocin they could give me. I asked when I could be given my epidural, she said whenever, and I stupidly said, "Alright, I'm fine for now."
I'm such a dumb ass.
An hour later passes and I have this feeling that things might go pretty quickly. I'm not in much pain at all, but I go ahead and tell the nurse to send up that anesthesiologist juuuust in case. Alright, he should be up within 30 minutes. TWO HOURS go by and he's still with another patient! What the heck!? By now I am in extreme pain. The kind of pain that makes you scream and make all kinds of funny noises. I remember calling the nurse, "Where is he? Get him NOW" "Tell that man to freaking run. Don't walk, don't jog, RUN!" "I hate that epidural man!" "Tell him I'm about to literally die in this bed!"
Meanwhile, as I'm dying on one side of the room, my mother, mother-in-law, and Jason are all having a friendly conservation that involved a lot of smiles and giggles. I'm not mad that they ignored me during my last few moments of life, because every time they tried to talk me I yelled and told them to shut it! I was so mad at people telling me to breath through my contractions. It freaking did NOT feel better to breath through them. Holding my breath and grinding my teeth as hard as I could was what I was going to do. At about 10:05am this short dude strolls into the room with his little cart of medication. He's not running, or even jogging. Jerk! I waited 2 hours for something that took 5 minutes.
I've had my epidural for about 10 minutes. Niiiiice. I was watching my contractions on the screen and feeling nothing. I felt like a freaking rockstar at this point.
But wait... I kinda just felt a contraction... Ok, I definitely felt that one. Good golly, this stuff ain't working!!! My nurse ups the medication, but I can still feel contractions. Not as bad as before, but if I'm paying this kind of money for this crap, it better work as well as I remembered it working with my first born. She said to give it some time, she checks me, and I'm at 5cm. She'll check on me in a while.
Not even kidding you, about 10 minutes later I feel something weird. I page the nurse, "I'm feeling some major pressure right now." "Well that's normal, he's making his last inches down." "NO nurse lady, I feel like he's trying to come OUT!" She checks me to be on the safe side, and what do you know? I'm a 10 and ready to go. I thought she was joking at first. They page my doctor who is just in the other building, and three different nurses come in rushing around preparing for a baby to be delivered. Umm, I thought I had like 2 more hours, I didn't mentally prepare myself for it to happen this....OHHH MY GOSH, I HAVE TO PUSH NOW!
I felt much more than I wanted to. My epidural did not do it's job as much as I would have liked it to. I'm not sure if it was because of how late I got it, but I really wish the anesthesiologist would have taken a pointer or two from Levi.

We welcomed Levi into the world at 10:48am on July 26th. He was 8.2lbs & 21in. Today he is just barely a month old, and he's growing so fast already!

Warning: This video might be slightly graphic. But only if you're a big time prude!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Last Pregnancy Update.

I'm closely approaching the last days of my pregnancy. It's a bittersweet feeling. A lot more sweet than it is bitter though.  I'm roughly 37.5 weeks along, and my doctor & I have decided to schedule me for an induction at 39w1day (The evening of the 25th - which means Levi's birthday would be on the 26th. That is IF I make it that far.

As of my last appointment I was 2.75cm dilated & 80% effaced. Been at a 2-ish since at least 36 weeks. The last few weeks my body has been noticeably preparing to go into labor. Tons of contractions, pelvic pain & pressure, and that horrible feeling of the hips starting to spread. Every night I think it might be the night. I've decided to allow my doc to induce me for two reasons. 1.) I'm already progressing, so I assume if I make it that far, my body will only need a little nudge to get things going and 2.) At one point in my pregnancy not too long ago, he was measuring ahead of schedule. Although, fundal height measurements are putting me right on schedule now.

All in all, I'm super excited to experience childbirth again & to meet Levi... && to be not be pregnant anymore!

Far Along: 37w4d.

Weight Gain: Exactly 30lbs

Sleep: Peeing every 30 minutes and irregular contractions all night.

Stretch Marks: I've been incredibly blessed with 'stretchy skin'? Nothing yet!

Labor Signs: I feel like they are everywhere, but nothing real yet!

Going to miss: Restful nights, little baby kicks, excuses to be a little lazy, & feeling 'special'.

NOT going to miss: Being asked how far along I am & what I'm having alllll the time, sore feet, 2 hour doctor visits, and not knowing what my son's little face looks like!

Next post should be Levi's birth story! Wish us luck & say lots of prayers!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Enjoying the Small Things., Ed 3

It's Friday, Friday...

I don't get how anyone can sit and listen to that song. It doesn't pump me up for the weekend at all, but mad props to the little lady for making a million bucks, in less time than it took me to push my first child out...

Oh! Well! Speaking of child rearing!! I'm at my 35 week mark, and I'm getting a tad anxious. I'm pretty much ready for the little dude to get here. I still have to wash his clothes, pack a hospital bag, and buy another mattress for the crib, but other than that... I think I'm ready? Still nervous. I haven't been the mom of a newborn in 2.5 years, and I've never been mom to a boy before. I hope it's like getting back on a bike after not riding for years. A bike with a different set of external organs...

Anyways, today I'm just finding myself... yep, enjoying the small things.

-Waking up to 'just because chocolates' on the kitchen counter. Then, being made fun of for eating them ALL before lunch!

-$2.00 Old Navy sale on tanks that fit knocked up & post-knocked up.

-Grace thinking every time I light candles in the house that it's daddy's birthday.

-Trying to teach her to swim, and failing miserably.

-My new bikini butt. Thanks to baby weight working hard down there.

-Having my mom off for part of the summer. It's been so great getting to see her so much lately!

-Getting a free quart of paint in the mail this week, along with free baby wipes, free pizza coupons from Barros & Sardellas, free hair products, and body wash samples.

I'm going to try really hard not to rush these next few weeks in my mind, enough though it's so hard! I don't want to spend them thinking and praying that he'll come soon. I want to soak in the feeling of being just Gracie's mom. I want to keep her my little baby just a little while longer...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Watered Down

I'm sitting on the couch this morning eating my second s'mores pop-tart. Apparently I can't shake off this sugar obsession I've had. You can usually find me early mornings, before my daughter wakes up, scarfing down a drumstick ice cream cone or a few too many chocolate chip cookies. I'm not all bad though. I've recently cut out all soda/tea/juices, and am drinking nothing but water for the rest of my pregnancy. I became almost without a doubt addicted to caffeine free sodas. In doing so, I guess it slipped my mind that all that sugar is still not the best idea, and I was drinking so much of it that I wasn't drinking near enough water. Anyways, just making that cut back- and I haven't gained one pound in 3 weeks. Which is OK because I'm still definitely getting the calorie count I need. (And there were a bunch of weeks where I should have only gained a pound a week - and ahem- yea, I gained a bit more than that!)

See, I've got this goal after my little boy is born.  It's probably the same goal we all have after we give birth; loose weight! I'm not planning on just doing that, I'm planning on being in the absolute best shape of my life! This means eating healthy & exercise on top of just being skinny. (Who am I kidding though, there is no guarantee that I'll even be skinny again without adding these things in.)

Kinda funny how...
My first two trimesters felt like a lifetime and a half! It's hard for me to recall even not being pregnant. But now that I'm reaching the homestretch, it's going by so fast that I'm starting to feel like the weeks are only days. And I'm waiting for that nesting feeling to kick in, because I got a mess of a room that I'd like to give a little attention to before my little dude is born.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stat Time. 30 Weeks.

 I hit 30 weeks this last Sunday, and since I've just found my little girl preciously napping in MY bed, I thought I'd skip my nap and head for the computer. I'll regret this one in about an hour, I'm sure!
How far along? 30 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Loss? Ha! I've hit the 20lb marker - hoping to slow things down a little.

Stretch marks?: I'm going to say it out loud and totally jinx myself.  NONE to account for yet! I'm keeping fingers & toes crossed very, very tightly! You've got no idea how much I would love to pop these kids out without a single piece of evidence I ever did. =)

Maternity Clothes: My mom wanted to pick me up maternity clothes as soon as we found out I was pregnant. I told her to get ALL small, because I didn't get big with Gracie, so why would I THIS time. Well, those smalls are getting pretty dang small right about now. I've got two Old Navy shirts that I pretty much live in, and I've got a good amount of bottoms to pick from. If I'm at home though, I'm generally in my jammies. I'm making no plans on buying any new purchases.

Sleep: I can't break the habit of sleeping on my back. I wake up at least 6 times a night on my back. Aside from that & how ridiculously painful it is on my legs getting out of bed to pee at night, I'm sleeping alright. 

Best Moment Of This Week: My husband telling me that even pregnant and all, he still finds me incredible attractive, and then me actually believing him. 

Movement: Too much? Is that possible? This kid doesn't sleep. It's comforting to see and feel all the movements, but sometimes I'm like 'you've showed off enough for one day, take a break!'

Gender: His penis... well ya, it's still there. 

Labor Signs: Nothing much, a few braxton hicks here and there, that's about it.

Food Cravings: It's something different ALL the time. Usually snacks/sweets. With Gracie it was hot/spicy all the time.

Belly Button In or Out: It's about leveled right now. But on top of the belly button where my piercing was, it kind of protrudes out a little bit, which appears to resemble that of an outtie outside my shirt.

What I Miss: My higher energy levels, laying on my stomach, and having an icy old beer paired with bar food. 

What I'm looking forward to: Not being asked by men constantly when I'm due... at the gas station, at the grocery story, while taking Grace for a walk in her wagon, ect. 

Weekly Wisdom: Just enjoy the 'easiness' of being pregnant before that little dude needs my attention around the clock. 

Baby Brain Moment of the Week: Not being able, for the life of me, to think of easy everyday words, such as 'Garage'. A couple days ago this was me... "Jason, open the... that... you know... well you know what I mean... that button thing... OUTSIDE!... where you put the cars and junk... HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!???" (And that, my friends, was NO exaggeration!)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Enjoying the Small Things., Ed 2

It's Saturday morning, & I'm sitting with my laptop on the couch next to an open window listening to the faint sounds of birds outside. (Yes- if you know me, you know I despise birds, but a couple tweets in the far distance is working out fine this morning.) If I wasn't currently 'with child' right now I'd be sipping on a hot, strong coffee- with way too much vanilla creamer mixed in. I'd probably be on cup number three...

This morning that I'm-so-blessed-in-my-life feeling is coming on strong. I'm just enjoying the small things right now...

Eating an ice cream drumstick five minutes before bed last night, then again this morning at 7am.

Board games late at night with the husband that involve heavy flirting & really bad fake accents.

Gracie getting excited for me to do her hair; getting to pick ponytails or piggy-tails. 

Grace telling me that 'her new car' is smiling at her.

One crafty banner I made waiting to be hung up on my daughter's wall.

A partial pay paternity leave request for my husband, excepted!!

And still the anticipation (yet perfectly content waiting) to meet our little dude in just two months.

Happy Saturday!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Summing It Up, Thus Far.

Someone nominated my blog at Circle Of Moms under the Top 25 Pregnancy Journals. I'm not sure who it was, but I took a look today and I'm actually in the running at #23. So if you'd like to take a quick second, click here, mossy on down the list a tad, and vote for I Should Be Doing Laundry... that would be neato. Thanks!
So since, apparently my journal has anonymously been named a 'pregnancy journal', I thought I'd sum up my experience carrying baby #2 (Levi) this time around, thus far.

First Trimester:
I spent most of these weeks in the fetal position on the couch while praying that my almost-two-year-old at the time could pretty much fend for herself. Morning sickness my buttocks! It was all day sickness, every single day sickness. The smells, tastes, and even the sight of some things left me running for the bathroom dry-heaving (which is way worse than actually vomiting to me.). I experienced a little sickness with Gracie, but nothing like this. (Everyone, their mother & their cat at this point was convinced I was having a boy. Apparently Old Wives Tales NEVER die).

Second Trimester:
I'm feeling Ahhh- MAZING!!! at this point. I could stay pregnant all my life if needed be (I jumped the gun a little bit). I felt great. I'd seriously forget I was even pregnant until my growing belly got in the way of something/someone, or when people had to remind me to 'not pick that up!!'. I'm a very do-it-myself kind of girl. I don't like that feeling of being handicapped from doing something I can normally do on my own.

Third Trimester (My Armageddon?):
I am soo over it. This is my last pregnancy, and at first I was a little sad I'd be experiencing all this for the very last time. Yea. That feeling is now out. the. window. I feel fat, I feel tired, I feel like I'm 80 years old. At night I try and hold my bladder as long as I can to keep from having to get out of bed. I'm not sleeping well, and I've got one (going on two now) pinched static nerve, which at times makes it hard to even sit still. I am convinced that if I was not a SAHM right now, I'd have to go start my leave of absence right now. And my doctor says my tummy is measuring bigger than average. BUT! Aside from the pain and extreme low-self esteem I'm experiencing this trimester, feeling those kicks and tumbles that my little dude in there is doing... makes all the pain worth it. Remembering what it's like to hold Grace for the first time, and now actually knowing how it's like to see your child and love them unconditionally at first sight... yep. All. Worth. It. I would do it a million more times for Grace if I had to. And I know I'll feel the same way about my little boy.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Snacking > Packing

I don't just find myself procrastinating when I've got something I need/should be doing. No. I tend to go out of my way to make sure I procrastinate. (Hence, my blog title.) Today hasn't been much different.

After I packed, oh say about... 1/3 of one box today, I remembered that I told myself to make a habit of finding a way to exercise at least once a day. That's when I had a brilliant plan start to form in my head. Gracie loves being in her stroller now. I love walking (easiest form of exercise). And I love food! Snack food lately, to be specific. Genius plan? Walk to Target and pick up...

Stuff to make Rice Krispy Treats!!

So I got my exercise in for today, but now I know I'll be finding myself eating Rice Krispy Treats all day with my daughter. Oh, and on the way home we passed a Subway, and that's when another craving started setting in... Bacon Ranch Sandwich.  
Where did my willpower go?  

So It's almost 2pm, and I've almost got 3 boxes packed for today.
Are those elves on the Kellogg's box for hire??

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'd settle for a slow down...

In between packing, calling insurance companies - dropping & adding different policies, turning on new utilities, hunting for free boxes (I refuse to ever pay for a box with nothing in it), scheduling final walk through, scheduling document signings, scheduling moving truck, scheduling grandmas' to watch little one during Operation: Move In One Day, making it to early doctor appointments, getting jury summoned AGAIN, multiple trips to drop off items at Goodwill, dealing with a toddler that won't go to sleep & is hitting her terrible twos at mach2 speed (the speed of sound... doubled- DUH!), calling escrow company over & over to confirm final settlement charges, annnd hitting my 3rd trimester (phew!)...

Let's just say I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed and a lot-of-bit stressed!

I try to take my job (family manager/stay at home mom) very seriously. After all, Jason does bring in ALL the money to provide for us in every financial sense, so it's silly for me to not be the one taking care of  just about everything else. I've been blessed to have a husband who constantly wants to help me out on top of going to work each week, but at the end of the day, these are all things I want to be responsible for. All because I love my husband oh so so much!

Anywho! Today we're going to do a final walk through of the house (make sure it's still in the same condition it was last time we saw it before we sign papers), tomorrow we're going to the title/escrow company to sign documents & write checks, and then between Thursday and Friday our loan gets funded and the keys are placed in our hands.

Here's our cookie-cutter-typical-run-of-the-mill Arizona home. =) A first home, not a dream home!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Weekend. Aside from an epic toddler tantrum in the car twice this weekend & Grace kicking daddy out of bed last night to sleep with me (the wind scared her to death - and only an already-sleep-deprived mommy would do!), we had a great weekend with family & friends.

Grace sure enjoyed herself!!

While having kids does make the holidays a little a lot more stressful, it's so much more fun with them! Seeing my daughter light up with joy at the thought of opening presents or hunting for eggs... that's awesome. She will continue to ask me to hid eggs around the house for the next week, and I gladly will!

Today (woops, yesterday - I wrote this last night, and not posting it until this morning!) I am thankful that Jesus died for our sins, and that his resurrection day came soon after, but I'm no more thankful today than I am ALL 364 other days of the year. Through prayer everyday He knows this. He is Alive for us every single day, and it doesn't take Easter to remind me of this.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Enjoying the Small Things., Ed 1

...Today I'm especially enjoying the small things...

Pigtails that don't get pulled out all day long & little polka dot dresses.

Coming home to a mess, because I've got a place to call my home.

Alfredo sauce stuck to the side of my face after finishing a whole dinner at Olive Garden for the first time ever!

Watching my daughter share cookies with friends.

A body massage from Jason that almost never ended.

The first few minutes in the morning when I'm the only one awake in the house.

God's Grace in my life, though His son Jesus.

Hope ya'll have a blessed Easter Sunday!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Summer in April.

The AC is running, seat beats are leaving 2nd degree burns, and little tan lines are starting to form.

We are super thrilled that it's hot enough outside now to enjoy some a lot of days by the pool! It's got to be one of Gracie's favorite things to do, and I'm definitely not opposed to spending an hour or two in the sun!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pancakes & Home Loans.

If I get incredibly large this time around, I'm blaming my 2 year old. Every single day when she wakes up she runs into my room and the first thing out of her little mouth, "Pancakes Momma!!" So every morning I drag myself out of bed and make a batch. She eats a coupe of small pancakes, but there's usually a bunch left over, so I make myself some ginormous pancakes to feed my own cravings. My cravings by the way, are getting way out of control, but my weight hasn't...yet! We shall see! I'm in the market for another round of ZERO stretch marks. 

Anyways, it seems our house hunt as finally ended! We found a cute cozy little house in Peoria, AZ. I use the words cute, cozy, and little because it's the one of the smallest houses we looked at. Weighing in at just 1322 SqFt. It's a house that will do until my two children reach a pre-teen stage probably, IF that long. We offered $10,000 more than the bank was asking for (because we know how the banks play their 'games') and didn't ask for any help with closing costs. (which means as of next month we are completely flat on our butts BROKE!) We ended up beating out THIRTEEN other offers. Our loan hasn't gone in underwriting yet, and our ten days don't actually start until next week, but I'm keeping an optimistic attitude. You pretty much have to or you'll go crazy! In today's market the banks/loans are demanding so much from you. Even with a FHA loan & only 3.5% down, you still need at least ten grand in the bank after closing costs and everything, and that's for a house under a hundred grand! Everything costs a pretty penny!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Side Note: It's super weird to find out people have searched my name in Google's search bar, but then it's even freakier to find out just today someone actually did an image search on my name, found a picture of me, and then ended up here.  Hey, creepster, what's the deal? Nothing better do to?

Anyways, here's a fluffy post A-Z, all about me. =)

A. Age: 25- soon to be 26. I still feel pretty young, until I hear 21 year olds freaking out about 22!
B. Bed spread color(s): Earth tones, and I can't wait to upgrade! I hate them.
C. Chore you dislike: It's probably the most simple one, but I hate doing laundry! You'd think it would be the kitchen & bathroom, since that is something I clean every single day, or every other day. Can't stay a dirty kitchen or bathroom. Clutter is one thing, hygiene is another!

D. Dogs: Currently no. Since we're buying a house right now, we've recently played around with the idea in the future, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to take on another potty trainee so soon!
E. Essential start to your day: BIG glass of water, Gracie smiles, & a waffle. When I pop this baby out, coffee will be back on my list!

F. Favorite color: Don't have a favorite.

G. Gold or silver: I'm big on silver. Not a fan of gold. Slightly OT: We actually own around 100 oz of silver that we bought when it was only 12/oz. If you're up to speed on the stocks... that's cha-ching-ching in our pockets!

H. Height: 5′ 7”

I. Instruments you play(ed): I played the violin, moved to the flute, and stopped with the piano. Don't ask me to play any of these instruments today- I couldn't read a page of music if my life depended on it.

J. Job title: Family Manager

K. Kids: Gracie Jo- 2 yrs old. Levi- Coming Soon!

L. Live for ______: God, Jason, & my children.

M. Most embarrassing moment: I've been pretty darn lucky to not have any worth remembering.

N. Nicknames: Dee, but most people just call me Deena or Deena Jo.

O. Overnight hospital stays: Just when Grace was born. I've been an out-patient twice, and I've got a couple overnight stays coming up & one more out-patient procedure planned in the very near future.

P. Pet peeves: When people don't shut cabinet doors & when people don't use or forget to turn off their blinkers. I've got a lot more, but I don't like to be negative.

Q. Quote from a movie: I’m not a big movie person.

S. Siblings: I have a 'little' sister, who is only 16 months younger than me, most people guess she's older, even though I'm the one whose been married, had kids, and I'm the one that doesn't still live at home! Hm.

T. Time you wake up: When Gracie wakes up, which is usually 8am. I love it!

U. Ultimate vacation spot: I want to go on a cruise so bad, I've never been!

V. Vegetables: Asparagus, broccoli, and corn on the cod!

W. What makes you run late: Having babies. I use to be early to everything!! I'm usually still on time, but I'm occasionally late, and I can't stand that feeling!

X. X-rays you’ve had: On my teeth for the usually cleaning/checkup, and one of my chest; but I don't remember why.

Y. Yummy food you make: My dad taught me to bake a great cake!

Z. Zoo animal favorites: Tigers.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sunshine & Grace-isms.

It's been an amazing past few days here in Phoenix. Almost everyday we've spend by the pool with Grace. Last night Jason did up Tbones, while I cooked & grilled asparagus and potato wedges, & of coarse ate them outside right next to the pool. It's actually 10am, and I'm already gearing Grace & I up for some swimming.

My daughter, now a month past 2 years old, has a rapidly growing personality. She makes me laugh every single day, and she completely catches me off guard at least 10 times a day with the silliest questions and comments! A few things lately...

Just now, she asked for a piece of chocolate. When I gave it to her, she thanked me 3 times! Not only thanking me, but kissing my stomach saying, "Thank you baby brother".

Last weekend Jason called her his Gracie Baby, and she corrected him, saying, "No dada,  I not baby, I Gracie JO!" And this morning when I woke her up I called her baby (a habit I'm trying sooo hard to break!), to which she told me, "I not baby no more, I'm Gracie Jo".

Jason & I play these 'I'm gonna get you' games where we chase her around the house and she'll scream running away from one of us and into the other one's arms. During this time, whoever is the parent 'saving' her, she calls 'Super'. "Help me Super Momma, Dada gonna get me! Super Momma!!" Exact quote from last night.

We saw a little newborn baby boy the other day, and I told Grace he maybe was someone else's baby brother. And she told me that he was not HER baby brother, and then reminded me that HER baby brother was inside my belly.

She calls her swimsuit, her 'swim soup', and when she 'reads' us a book, at the end, instead of saying The End, she says, "B M".

Sometimes when I tell her to dance, she starts waddling like a penguin saying 'dance like a penguin'. It was super random and completely caught me off guard the first time.

She knows that a ghost says boo (I'm still dumbfounded as to how she knows that?).

She's scared to death of bugs and a picture of Bob Marley...

If a motorcycle, air plain, or truck drives by, she can tell you which one it was by just the sound it made.

She's just so gosh-darn cute, and I'm loving just about every minute of being her mommy.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Updating My Life...

It's 9:20am, and my daughter is STILL sleeping. (I'm def. not complaining!) So I thought I would spit out a quick blog. An update of  my life if you will...

Firstly, my precious little baby girl is not so much a baby anymore. She turned two last month. It's a hard fact to face when you realize everyone was soo right. "They grow up way too stinkin' fast!" "It will fly by before you know it." "Take pictures/videos, because someday you won't remember what it was even like before they first sat, crawled, walked, ect."

Secondly, we found out that we're expecting a BOY! At first I freaked a little bit, I will admit. I always pictured myself with two girls (that was actually why we planned this pregnancy when we did, so our 'girls' would be close in age (to share clothes, toys, friends, ect. (because I was set on baby girls stuff too!)) So when I saw that little hotdog on the screen, my heart skipped a beat. After much thought and prayer however, I am ready to welcome a baby boy into my life this summer, and I wouldn't change that for the world. God's plans are not always the same plans we have for ourselves. And now, I'm sooo excited!

Thirdly, we are in the processes of buying our first (starter- if you will) home. It's def. an older home (that's why I say starter...) Built in the late 60s. There's the good, the bad, and the super ugly when it comes to this one. Good: 4bd, a heated swimming pool, over 1900sq., good sized laundry room with a bonus room, 2 fireplaces (one in the master bedroom - which I'm sooo excited to use!) New tile & carpet through out. The bad: No garage! Super old kitchen with old drawers & cabinets and the age of the home in general scares me! And the ugly: The neighborhood is old. Some people keep their homes in not so great shape. The outside of the house makes the home look tiny, and the yard needs grass, and the house is currently painted a poop brown color. ughhh!

((EDIT: The above has been crossed out because tonight we decided to forgo this house and withdraw our offer. Things just didn't feel right. There were both small and big things we just couldn't look past. We both felt that 'something just didn't feel right'.  I don't know what the future holds, but I want to make sure every decision we make along the way is the best for Jason, myself, and our babies. And I trust that God will take care of us!))

Well, it's time go to say good morning to my daughter. She's awake and singing twinkle twinkle little star in her room. =) Love when she wakes up in a great mood!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

She Turns 2 Today! (& I Feel Old!)

 -Gracie Jo-

Exactly two years ago today you were placed into my arms and my whole world changed in a million beautiful ways! It’s hard to believe you’re already two. Sometimes when I watch you sleep I still see you as my little newborn baby girl. 6lb 3oz, bald, and beautiful! I so vividly remember the first time you made eye contact with me, the first time you walked to me, and my absolute favorite- the first time you told me you loved me. Seeing you for the first time changed my life in my so many wonderful ways. You made me a mother, in more ways than simply giving you birth. Over the last two years you’ve forced see the world in breathtakingly new ways. You’ve given me a level of peace, grace, hope, and patience I never knew I had in me. Being your mother is the most gratifying and rewarding opportunity I have ever been given. Thank you for being my little princess. Happy 2nd Birthday my sweet Gracie Jo!

Love & Kisses,

Friday, February 4, 2011

Casper, the (un)Friendly Ghost.

Blame it, I guess, on these really, really cold temperatures we're having in Phoenix right now! (Seriously... my heater wants to run all day? Not saying this with any glory, but I'm a Phoenix girl. I'm not use to freezing all night in bed, let alone- having to wear clothes??). Lately, all I can think about is summer. Laying by the pool with Gracie, getting a tan!, getting toned up a tad for bikini wear, and having a super cold beer and/or margarita (or 2) while basking in the sun. Oh wait, that's right! I'm pregnant! I'll be an extra 25lbs (if I'm lucky) and I'll probably be egg-white-WHITE! My last pregnancy I found out I was pregnant on June 9th, so I still had the whole summer to (while making sure I stayed hydrated & not over heated) play in the sun! Loosing that initiate ten pounds from morning sickness = me wanting to LIVE in a bikini that summer.

So I guess I'm saying this summer, I'm still going to be out there, in my bathing suit (with a tank top that won't be removed of coarse) and I plan on taking Gracie swimming as much as I can and getting a little vitamin D while basking in the sun a tad. This summer's goal is to not look like Casper, the friendly ghost, when it's time to head to the hospital!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

9 Things I Learned From...

This is a list I came up with about a year and a half ago, after I had Gracie. It's 9 things I learned about pregnancy, after having gone through it. I thought I'd grab it & re-post it as a way to kind of remind myself & any reading. Enjoy!

  • No two pregnant woman are the same.   So often I found myself comparing me to everyone else. Why did their baby kick so soon? Why am I so much bigger/smaller? You can ask questions like, when did you start feeling pregnant? But the truth is, its different for everyone. I knew I was pregnant before I ever took a test & I think I was literally 2 weeks into it. I've known people who didn't know until they were 7 months! (crazy, I know.) Some people gain 100lbs & others, like me, gain 22lbs. My doctor told me to eat what I wanted, just not to go crazy, and I did, & gained the 'perfect' amount. Others, eat extremely healthy & still pack that baby weight. Some of us are just real lucky. Either way, the weight comes off. Most of it... if you're lucky!
    • Its definitely a transitional time, so take advantage!   Having a baby is a big change in your life. There is so much preparing to do & life changes to make. This is the perfect opportunity to work on other parts of your life that need mending or changing. Most of my changes were on the inside.
      • Pregnancy is gross.   It can be anyways. Like uhhhh, laughing too hard and peeing just a tad in your undies. Ya, it happens a lot if you've got a sense of humor & a very sensitive, almost always, full bladder. And yes, women toot. Quite often too when you're carrying a baby. I'm just glad Jason had a great attitude & sense of humor about it all.
      • You're not Wonder Woman, but you're not recovering from a 20yr coma either!   Some woman use pregnancy as an excuse to do virtually nothing! Wussies! Unless you're put on bed rest or told to take it easy from a doctor, you can work, you can clean, you can even exercise. I worked on my feet for 10 hours sometimes when I was 9 months pregnant. Sure, my back was sore, my feet ached at the end of the shift, but you know what, it was great exercise & being on your feet, walking around, is actually really good in that last month. It helps move the process along. I'm a prime example.
        • You'll never receive so many massages in your life.   If you're lucky I guess. Jason rubbed my feet and/or back every single time I asked. No matter how worn out he was from work or basketball. He was amazing! And I was spoiled!
          • Buying baby stuff is as addictive as crack!    Or so I've been old. I guess I wouldn't entirely know. Be patient. I was in such a hurry to start buying that I decided since I didn't know the sex of the baby, I would do neutral things. Well, when I found out she was a she, I was disappointed by the small amount of pink things I had. I was sad that I hadn't waited & went with a pink themed baby room. And that's another thing, try and wait until after your baby shower, you never know what you might get for FREE!
            • People will never be this nice to you again.   People always wanted to talk to me. Ask me questions, touch my belly. I felt so special. Like I was super unique. The only pregnant woman in the whole world! Ha. Doors were opened. People offered to carry things for me. I am finding out though, people are still super nice when you're carrying around a super cute baby girl! =) Until that super cute baby turns into a raging angry 2 year old throwing a tantrum at the grocery store, then get use to the eye rolling & just let it go...
              • Do not take advice & just pretend to listen to all the BS!   People told me so many scary things about being pregnant & labor. Fortunately, I never got myself worked up over it. I always saw it as another obstacle I got to overcome. Morning sickness. Check. Spreading of the hips. Check. Labor without epidural. Uhhh?. Labor with epidural. Check.
                • Being pregnant = no dirty diapers.   Enjoy it. Cherish these short 10 months. (Ya, its not 9... fault advertising if you ask me!) Being pregnant is not near as much work as caring for a little one. Enjoy your sleep. It WILL be a long time before you know what its like to not be tired. But most of all, enjoy!!!!! This only applies to you in your very first pregnancy... if you're on your second pregnancy and your first is still in diapers, remember to call 'NOT IT!' as often as you can when the hubby is home, because dirty diapers are no fun when you're experiencing morning all day sickness. barf.

                Wednesday, January 5, 2011

                Dessert > Dinner.

                So about the time I decided to start using this site again I found out I was pregnant. At first I told myself I would not constantly blog about being pregnant, because it seems like all pregnant people want to do is talk about how they are pregnant, which, even though I sound horrible saying this, kind of always annoyed me a little. But I thought about it a little, and since I'm not holding anyone at gun point, making them read the words I write, I will talk about my pregnancy as much as I feel like it here! I'm still holding to not complaining though. Actually, since I've never been 25lbs over my typical weight in the dead of the summer in Phoenix, I'm going back on my promise a little bit, and changing it to... I will not make a habit of complaining. Unless of coarse I develop pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, or go on bed rest... then I will complain as much as I darn. well. please!
                Today I was craving cake. Actually, I've been craving cake ever since Friday, when I got my hands on a small piece of chocolate cake. Today I went to the store and bought all the fixing to make one (not chocolate... rainbow chip with vanilla pudding & cool whip on top Mmm) & picked up a snickers bar while I waited for 20!! minutes in one of the only two open checkout lanes open. Oh course when it was finally my turn they opened up two more lanes, in which everyone behind me made a mad dash to the other lanes as if they were giving away free Jersey Shore DVDs to the next two people to check out (gross.). Typical luck. So now,  the cake is cooling, and I'm trying to figure out if I should eat it for dessert or just skip supper entirely. Decisions, decisions...