Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010!

Happy Thanksgiving! (And Happy Birthday to my beautiful little sister, who turns 24 years old today!!) Jason works until 3 this afternoon, so it doesn't quite feel like I'm waking up to Thanksgiving day when he's not here. I'm having Thanksgiving with my side of the family this afternoon (like a Thanksgiving lunch!), then when Jason gets home we're headed to his parent's house. I love living so close to both of our families, even if it does mean we're stuck in Phoenix for awhile. Today is a day to be especially thankful, so here are just a few things I'm thankful for.
My daughter - She's at the top of my list.
My Jason - He's right up there next to Grace.
My WHOLE entire family!!
God in my life!
Living close to family.
Long weekends.
Giggles from Gracie.
Encouraging moments. 
Apologies & forgiveness.
Hot showers.
My health & family's health.
Being an American.
Having all five senses & all my limps intact. =)
Facebook -keeping me connected to family&friends.
Emails from Jason when he's working - Love him!
My Contacts - glasses give me headaches.
The Epidural - that's right!
Agreeing to disagree.
My caring, sweet little sister - who is 24 TODAY!
Gracie's naps.
My mother & motherinlaw's helping hands!
The digital camera - so many pictures of Gracie!
My boobs - hey, a girl can be thankful for whatever she wants!
Gracie's farts - They don't stink too bad, and they make everyone laugh! =)
A thousand more things! I mean, this list really could go on forever. I feel that blessed!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


My daughter napped today. Her naps are becoming a little more infrequent than I'd like. Strangely though, today she asked, begged, & demanded that I put her down for a nap. You win! If you're going to force me to enjoy 2 hours of alone time, I will concede and put you down! Pshh.

So today while she slept, I caved and did one of those 'random list thingies' that facebook has going around. You know, ## random things about yourself. Well, after completely this, my daughter woke up, and I immediately regretted not using my alone time to take a nap myself. Ugh, so here it is. 30 of them!

I can’t stand dirty dishes in the LEFT side of the sink. They have to all be on the right side, or in the dishwasher

I have completed over 1000 sudoku puzzles within the last year.

My hair grows soo slooooow.

I hate the whole ‘everyone get out and vote!’ idea. I say only vote if you have an educated idea of what is actually going on in politics.

When I was little, like 5 or 6, I so literally thought I was the most beautiful girl in the entire world. That’s good parenting on my parents behalf, and a lot of gullibility on mine.

After years and years of denying it, I will finally admit, I like my handwriting too!

My first experience with constipation was around 7 years old. I cried, begged, and pleaded for my mother to call the ambulance. She didn’t. And I lived.

I procrastinate everything!! Horrible habit.

I read every single night before I got to bed, no matter how tired I am.

 I’m guilty of channel surfing, a lot! And it bugs my husband, a lot!

My hair is naturally wavy. Naturally a pain in my butt!

I know all fifty states, in alphabetical order. I thought this was pretty neat, but apparently so do a lot of other people…

My daughter was born sunny side up.

When we’d finished bible study at church we used to play ‘heads up seven up’. I dominated. I also cheated EVERY time…

 I still dance around the house like I’m putting on my own concert when no one else is home.

The very first time I kissed my husband (rather, HE kissed me) was on a Valentine’s Day.

I got married in Vegas, surrounded by the people I love most, and it was a BLAST!

 I HATE the idea of snuggies! You know the blanket with arms? You know, the BACKWARDS ROBE!!! Ugh!

I take really, really, REALLY hot showers. And usually come out really red!

 I love being Gracie’s mommy. And Jason’s wife.

Sometimes my mouth starts hurting from smiling so much.  I'm a happy, positive person!

When I was born, they switched me & another baby by accident. Seeing as how much my mother & I look alike, I’m pretty sure they straightened everything out correctly.

I'm not mentioning things I've never done in this list, because until I'm dead, I still might do them.

My blood type is O positive.

When my ‘big girl’ teeth came in, they came in huge! Thank God I grew into them!

 I like to watch American’s Funniest Videos on MUTE (because that dude is not funny!) and I laugh out loud (mostly at the baby & animal stuff), and Jason looks at me like I’m crazy!

 I love when my undergarments match each other!

I don’t like having conversations over text message. My touch screen cannot keep up with my fingers.

My hubby says I look best without makeup on, but I think he’s full of it!

I don’t like when people say ‘I have no regrets, it made me who I am today’. There is nothing wrong with regretting bad decisions!! It’s accepting you were wrong, and taking responsibility.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Green with Envy.

Well, I definitely haven't gotten much done today, but I did manage to make it to the bookstore, Target, & a quick visit with my momma at Hobby Lobby. Picked up 5 books (for just $11!!) and 4 nail colors that I'm very excited about: Crushed, Purple Potion, Blue Me Away, & Green with Envy. I love funky toe colors. Bad timing I'd say on my part, since I've just started breaking out the boots. At least I will be set for next summer. And Gracie is digging her blue fingernails right now.

This weekend's agenda.

My little list of things to accomplish before the weekend's over (aside from the SEVEN essay questions due tonight. Eek!)

  • Go to the half price bookstore & get some books. I got a couple titles in mind I'm looking for, but very open to the idea of seeing whats in the $1 section!
  • Target for a single new nail polish color. Something spunky.
  • I got $5 Khols cash & 15% off everything if I use my Khols card.
  • Get some scrapbook paper with my 40% coupon at Michael's.
  • Take a walk. It's amazing outside today!!
  • Stop by my momma's to rummage through her scrapbook room & let Gracie visit with her papa!
  • Maybe a load of Gracie's laundry?
  • Get a redbox (scary/corny) movie & snuggle up on the couch with my hubby (as soon as Gracie goes to bed).
  • Try to fit in all that schoolwork in between. =)

    Friday, November 12, 2010

    My own genes in own her jeans.

    "I'm a hug waiting to happen."

    "...And a tantrum right about the corner."

    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    My Anti-drug #2345
    Ahhh! This is what my afternoon looks like, at least while 'grumpy pants' takes a nap. (This is her first nap of the week btw, thank God I got her down this afternoon!) I've got a to do list, but of course I'm on the couch watching In Her Shoes. I just needed a break... desperately! Kudos to Jason, who brilliantly reminded me to pick some  of this good stuff up! Now, if I could just get around all this ice cream, I know there's cookie dough chunks in here somewhere

    Monday, November 8, 2010


    Monday's not too bad I guess. Gracie woke up at 6AM this morning - way too early for me on a Monday! I decided to make the best of it and make cookies! I think they came out perfect, but I'm starting to think Gracie was switched at birth, because she wants nothing to do with them. Whaaat!?

    Sunday, November 7, 2010

    November 7th

    Another good weekend flew by. Last night Jason & I had 'date night'. We drove around all of Phoenix, Scottsdale, & Tempe for an hour just talking and listening to music before finally deciding where to eat. It's really annoying sometimes just how indecisive we both are. Today we watched the Cardinals play another disappointing game of football at the Rubenstein's new rental with them and the Trembulak's. Looove that our kids are all so close in age!

    I'm dead tired this evening. I'm putting off school work to lay in bed and read a book. I can't believe the week is starting all over again already!

    On a super random note; I have the most amazing husband ever! No explaining, he's just amazing! Oh, and Grace is 21 months old in exactly 5 hours. Sheesh! Where has the time gone?

    Thursday, November 4, 2010

    2010 Update...

    I checked my 'stats' the other day, and found out that a good amount of people are still browsing my site. It even freaked me out a little it to see that a few times I've had my whole name searched in yahoo's search browser, and that's how they ended up here. Freeeeaky. Makes me wonder why, and mostly WHO!?

    Let's see... a little updating from January? Gracie celebrated her first birthday. (now nearing her 2nd!) Jason & I celebrated birthdays (We're getting old.) We also celebrated our anniversary, & went to Vegas a couple times this year. And, Jason graduated from Grand Canyon University with his Bachelor's in Christian Studies. So, we've had a lot to celebrate this year.

    This year we decided to add another kiddo into the mix. We 'tried' for a couple months, and after seeing a few 'negative' tests, we decided to not 'try' so much as to just let nature take it's coarse. If for some reason Gracie is all we get, then I think we scored pretty big the first time!

    Also this year we decided to buy our first home. We decided this about a month after we renewed our lease agreement for another 13 months. Our lease is up August 2011, so we're planning on closing in on a home around early summer. 

    So that leaves us to today. Gracie is 20 months going on 16 years! She's so smart, so cute, and soo sooo stubborn! She recently just started saying 'I sowwy momma (or daddy).' when we tell her NO! I've been big on teaching her good manners. My dad made a big deal about it when my sister and I were little girls, and I'm so thankful he did.