Thursday, November 4, 2010

2010 Update...

I checked my 'stats' the other day, and found out that a good amount of people are still browsing my site. It even freaked me out a little it to see that a few times I've had my whole name searched in yahoo's search browser, and that's how they ended up here. Freeeeaky. Makes me wonder why, and mostly WHO!?

Let's see... a little updating from January? Gracie celebrated her first birthday. (now nearing her 2nd!) Jason & I celebrated birthdays (We're getting old.) We also celebrated our anniversary, & went to Vegas a couple times this year. And, Jason graduated from Grand Canyon University with his Bachelor's in Christian Studies. So, we've had a lot to celebrate this year.

This year we decided to add another kiddo into the mix. We 'tried' for a couple months, and after seeing a few 'negative' tests, we decided to not 'try' so much as to just let nature take it's coarse. If for some reason Gracie is all we get, then I think we scored pretty big the first time!

Also this year we decided to buy our first home. We decided this about a month after we renewed our lease agreement for another 13 months. Our lease is up August 2011, so we're planning on closing in on a home around early summer. 

So that leaves us to today. Gracie is 20 months going on 16 years! She's so smart, so cute, and soo sooo stubborn! She recently just started saying 'I sowwy momma (or daddy).' when we tell her NO! I've been big on teaching her good manners. My dad made a big deal about it when my sister and I were little girls, and I'm so thankful he did.