Sunday, March 8, 2009

one month, today

Today Grace turned one month old. She still looks so tiny though. Jason & I both agreed that this has been the longest month of our entire lives. I feel a little repetitive here, but I'm so glad that Jason & I found each other through all the mess & I'm thankful God helped direct us into each others paths, when sometimes we weren't exactly sure of what we wanted!! - When did I become so sappy?? Pregnancy hormones must still be lingering. =)

Grace is sleeping right now, but I'm sure not for long. She wakes up quite a bit in the night still. Rarely sleeps at all during the day either. I love grandparents. They are always willing to babysit. The last two Fridays Gracie stayed at grandma's house over night so Jason & I had time to spend together. Yes, we drank! I've missed doing the happy hour thing with Jason & coming home tipsy. =)  -- Tomorrow Gracie has her checkup with the doctor. Jason & I are taking her when he gets off work. I'm also going to look into more wedding information, because if we're planning something for Aug or Sep, I need to get my butt in gear. -- This has seemed super random tonight. I guess that's me. I'm going to bed. Maybe for an hour or so, haha.