Saturday, June 25, 2011

Enjoying the Small Things., Ed 3

It's Friday, Friday...

I don't get how anyone can sit and listen to that song. It doesn't pump me up for the weekend at all, but mad props to the little lady for making a million bucks, in less time than it took me to push my first child out...

Oh! Well! Speaking of child rearing!! I'm at my 35 week mark, and I'm getting a tad anxious. I'm pretty much ready for the little dude to get here. I still have to wash his clothes, pack a hospital bag, and buy another mattress for the crib, but other than that... I think I'm ready? Still nervous. I haven't been the mom of a newborn in 2.5 years, and I've never been mom to a boy before. I hope it's like getting back on a bike after not riding for years. A bike with a different set of external organs...

Anyways, today I'm just finding myself... yep, enjoying the small things.

-Waking up to 'just because chocolates' on the kitchen counter. Then, being made fun of for eating them ALL before lunch!

-$2.00 Old Navy sale on tanks that fit knocked up & post-knocked up.

-Grace thinking every time I light candles in the house that it's daddy's birthday.

-Trying to teach her to swim, and failing miserably.

-My new bikini butt. Thanks to baby weight working hard down there.

-Having my mom off for part of the summer. It's been so great getting to see her so much lately!

-Getting a free quart of paint in the mail this week, along with free baby wipes, free pizza coupons from Barros & Sardellas, free hair products, and body wash samples.

I'm going to try really hard not to rush these next few weeks in my mind, enough though it's so hard! I don't want to spend them thinking and praying that he'll come soon. I want to soak in the feeling of being just Gracie's mom. I want to keep her my little baby just a little while longer...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Watered Down

I'm sitting on the couch this morning eating my second s'mores pop-tart. Apparently I can't shake off this sugar obsession I've had. You can usually find me early mornings, before my daughter wakes up, scarfing down a drumstick ice cream cone or a few too many chocolate chip cookies. I'm not all bad though. I've recently cut out all soda/tea/juices, and am drinking nothing but water for the rest of my pregnancy. I became almost without a doubt addicted to caffeine free sodas. In doing so, I guess it slipped my mind that all that sugar is still not the best idea, and I was drinking so much of it that I wasn't drinking near enough water. Anyways, just making that cut back- and I haven't gained one pound in 3 weeks. Which is OK because I'm still definitely getting the calorie count I need. (And there were a bunch of weeks where I should have only gained a pound a week - and ahem- yea, I gained a bit more than that!)

See, I've got this goal after my little boy is born.  It's probably the same goal we all have after we give birth; loose weight! I'm not planning on just doing that, I'm planning on being in the absolute best shape of my life! This means eating healthy & exercise on top of just being skinny. (Who am I kidding though, there is no guarantee that I'll even be skinny again without adding these things in.)

Kinda funny how...
My first two trimesters felt like a lifetime and a half! It's hard for me to recall even not being pregnant. But now that I'm reaching the homestretch, it's going by so fast that I'm starting to feel like the weeks are only days. And I'm waiting for that nesting feeling to kick in, because I got a mess of a room that I'd like to give a little attention to before my little dude is born.